
The solutions provided in this blog are solutions that are tested in our CUSTOM environment. Others come from Vendor's Technical Support Libraries and others not. Please make sure that you know what you are doing and note that we don't bring any responsibility in case of a break down.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Network Drive Auto Refresh Problem

I faced on a Windows XP box the following problem.

While creating, deleting, renaming a folder in a Network Drive (Share) the folder does not automatically refresh until I hit the F5 (refresh) key. I added the following in the registry and the problem was solved.

1. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
2. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
3. Type NoSimpleNetIDList, and then press ENTER.
4. On the Edit menu, click Modify.
5. Type 1, and then click OK.

Restart to load the registry again.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

How to remove a wrong entry from autofill list in Outlook

Yes it's that simple that you cannot imagine.

Start typing the email address in the To: field as shown in the picture below.

Since there is a correct and a wrong entry when you reach the crossing point of these two entries you will get the autofill list as shown below.

Move with the Arrow Keys to the wrong entry and hit the Delete Button.

Now check that on the Autofill list there is only the correct entry.(See below)

Monday, 9 June 2008

STOP C0000139 {Entry Point Not Found} after XP SP3 Installation

After installing SP3 on a machine running Windows XP SP2 and just after the reboot I got a blue screen with the following error:

STOP C0000139 {Entry Point not Found}
The procedure entry point GdiGetBitmapBitSize could not be located in the dynamic link library GDI32.dll.

After searching for not more than 2 mins in the net I found the solution which I know give to you below.

1. Boot from a Windows CD and choose the repair option.
2. Browse to
c:\windows\servicepackfiles\i386\ and copy gdi32.dll to c:\windows\system32\
3. Overwirte the old file.
4. Reboot and your On.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Acronis Uninstall caused Vista to hung after loading crcdisk.sys

Uninstalling Acronis True Image caused Windows Vista to hung after loading crcdisk.sys.
This means that Windows crashes while trying to load a filter driver (which is still written in the registry reffering to a file that no longer exists on the disk since the software that created it (Acronis) has already been removed. What we have to do now is to remove from registry this entry that reffers to a non existent file and help Windows load.
Bellow are the steps to follow in order to do that:
  1. Insert your Windows Vista DVD and boot up to the DVD boot menu.
  2. Press OK to get past the language settings.
  3. Choose Repair Computer.
  4. Choose cancel at System Restore
  5. Choose Command Prompt.
  6. Enter "regedit" without the quotes.
  7. Highlight HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) in the left pane.
  8. Go to the File menu and choose Load Hive.
  9. Navigate to the drive where Vista is installed (C: in most of the cases). Step down to C:\Windows\System32\Config. Choose the "System" file (with no extension). Click OPEN.
  10. In the next window name the hive "Broken System" without the quotes.
  11. Hit the plus next to HKLM. You will see a key named " Broken System".
  12. Drill down to HKLM\Broken System\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
  13. Look in the right pane for an Upper Filters line. If you see "snapman" without the quotes, you need to delete it.
  14. Only delete snapman by using the Modify on the Edit menu entry. Make sure you do not delete any other Upper Filters in the list.
  15. You should also check HKLM\Remote System\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} for Upper Filter entries. If you see "snapman" remove it from there as well.
  16. Now unload the Remote System hive. Highlight it in the left pane. Go to the File menu and choose Unload Hive. This will save the changes in the Vista registry.
  17. Exit the command prompt and hit Restart...
In my case these steps helped me to avoid reinstalling Windows. I wish these will help you as well...
Cheers...for now!!!!

What is VIT-Experts

VIT-Experts stands for Virtual Information Technology Experts and is a blogg that contains information based on the following idea:

"Online Troubleshooting Guide
with Tested Solutions".

After 10 continous years working on the IT section and after facing so many problems while working with pc's (mostly windows based platforms) I decided to share my knowledge on troubleshooting problems we could face using our computers while working or killing time.

In this blogg you can find solutions that are already tested.
I believe that there is always someone that faces the same problem with someone else at the same time so sharing the solution is the best way to share
So please enjoy...
And don't forget to say thanx...